Sunday, January 25, 2009

This week we have been learning about the brain. I have researched on heamtomas aka brain bleeds because we have a lot of patient that come in with hematomas. There are two types of intracranial hematomas mainly casued by trauma, epidural and subdural. Epidural is described as a hematoma between the skull and first layer of the brain. A subdural is described as a hematoma betwwen the outer and middler layer of the brain. I found two pictures on the website

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hello Everyone

Hello everyone this is my pathology blog now. I do not know what happened. My name is Emily and I am a Ct Technologist at Clarian North Hospital which is aka Riley North. I have been doing ct for two years now but have not taken my boards. I am looking forward to gaining more knowledge in ct and mri , then taking my boards.